Troubleshooting Common Issues with LED Grow Lights

LED grow lights have become increasingly popular among indoor growers seeking energy efficiency, heat reduction, and optimized light spectrum for their plants. However, LED grow lamps are not without their drawbacks and challenges. In this article, we will discuss some of the common problems that LED grow light users may encounter, and how to fix them.

Problem 1: LED Based Grow Lights Turn Yellow

One of the most noticeable issues with LED grow lamps is when they turn yellow over time. This can affect the quality and intensity of the light they produce, and also make them look unappealing. The yellowing of the outer sealant of the LED growing light is mainly due to the mismatch between the epoxy resin and the curing agent. This can happen when the manufacturer uses low-quality materials, or when the grower exposes the lights to high temperatures, humidity, or UV rays.

Solution: The best way to prevent this problem is to buy high-quality LED type grow lights from reputable brands that use durable and UV-resistant materials. You should also avoid placing your lights near windows or other sources of direct sunlight, and keep them away from moisture and dust. If your LED grow lamps have already turned yellow, you may need to replace them with new ones, as there is no easy way to restore their original color.

Problem 2: LED Grow Lights Burn Out or Shorten

Another common problem with LED grow light is when they burn out or shorten prematurely. This can happen when the grower uses too much current, voltage, or power for the LED-grow lights, or when they place them too close to the plants. The high-power 1W driving current of the LED grow light is about 350 mA, and the working voltage is between 3.2 ≤ 3.6V. If you exceed these limits, you may damage the diodes or the drivers of the LED horticulture lightings, causing them to fail or lose efficiency.

Solution: The best way to avoid this problem is to use a proper power supply and a dimmer for your LED grow light. You should also follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to set up and use your LED type grow light, and check the specifications of your lights before buying them. You should also monitor the temperature and humidity of your grow room, and use fans or ventilation to keep them within optimal ranges. If your LED growing light have already burned out or shortened, you may need to replace them with new ones, as there is no easy way to repair them.

Problem 3: LED Grow Lights Cause Stretching or Burning of Plants

One of the most important factors that affect plant growth is the distance between the plants and the light source. If you hang your lights too far away from your plants, there is a good chance that your plants will stretch in an effort to reach closer to the light. This can result in weak stems, small leaves, and low yields. On the other hand, if you place your LED horticulture growing lights too close to your plants, this can stress them more than they can comfortably handle, causing burning and bleaching of the foliage and buds. This can result in stunted growth, nutrient deficiencies, and poor quality.

Solution: The best way to solve this problem is to adjust your LED types grow lights to the proper distance from your plants. The optimal distance depends on several factors, such as the wattage, spectrum, coverage area, and intensity of your lights, as well as the type, size, and stage of your plants. You should consult the manufacturer’s guidelines on how to hang your LED hydroponic grow light for different crops and scenarios. You should also use a light meter or a lux meter to measure the actual light intensity at different points in your grow room, and adjust accordingly. A general rule of thumb is to keep your LED plant growing lights at least 12 inches away from your plants during vegging, and at least 6 inches away during flowering.

Problem 4: LED Grow Lights Produce Insufficient or Inappropriate Light

One of the main advantages of grow lights is that they can produce a customized spectrum of light for different plants and stages of growth. However, not all LED types grow lights are created equal. Some may produce insufficient or inappropriate light for your plants, resulting in poor growth, development, or quality. For example, some LED grow lighting may lack certain wavelengths that are essential for photosynthesis or photomorphogenesis. Some may produce too much blue light or too little red light for flowering plants. Some may have a low PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) value or a low PPFD (photosynthetic photon flux density) value, which means they do not deliver enough usable light for your plants.

Solution: The best way to prevent this problem is to choose high-quality LED grow lamps that have a full spectrum, a high PAR value, and a high PPFD value. You should also consider the specific needs of your plants, and select lights that have the appropriate spectrum, intensity, and duration for each stage of growth. You should also use reflectors, lenses, or secondary optics to enhance the light distribution and penetration of your Plant growing LED lights. You can also supplement your LED-grow lights with other types of grow lights, such as fluorescent, HID, or CMH, to create a more balanced and diverse light environment for your plants.

Problem 5: LED Grow Lights Overheat or Cause Fire Hazards

One of the common misconceptions about LED based grow lights is that they do not produce any heat. While it is true that LED grow light are much cooler than other types of grow lights, they still generate some heat that needs to be dissipated properly. If the heat is not removed from the lights, it can cause them to overheat, degrade, or even catch fire. This can pose a serious risk to your plants, your equipment, and your safety.

Solution: The best way to avoid this problem is to use lights that have adequate cooling systems, such as heat sinks, fans, or water cooling. You should also ensure that there is enough space and airflow around your LED-grow lights, and avoid placing them near flammable materials or electrical wires. You should also check your LED growing lamps regularly for any signs of damage or malfunction, and replace them if necessary. You should also install smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in your grow room, and follow the fire safety regulations in your area.

LED grow lights are a great option for indoor growers who want to save energy, reduce heat, and optimize the spectrum of light for their plants. However, these are not perfect, and they may encounter some common problems that can affect their performance and longevity. By following the tips and solutions in this article, you can troubleshoot and fix these problems, and enjoy the benefits of LED grow light for your plants.


  1. Why do LED grow lights turn yellow?
    LED grow lights may turn yellow over time due to a mismatch between the epoxy resin and the curing agent. This can occur when low-quality materials are used or when the lights are exposed to high temperatures, humidity, or UV rays.
  2. How can I prevent LED grow lights from turning yellow?
    To prevent yellowing, buy high-quality LED grow lights from reputable brands that use durable and UV-resistant materials. Avoid placing the lights near windows or direct sunlight, and keep them away from moisture and dust.
  3. What should I do if my LED grow lights have already turned yellow?
    If your LED grow lights have already turned yellow, it is best to replace them with new ones as there is no easy way to restore their original color.
  4. Why do LED grow lights burn out or shorten prematurely?
    LED grow lights can burn out or shorten prematurely if too much current, voltage, or power is used, or if they are placed too close to the plants. Exceeding the recommended limits can damage the diodes or drivers, causing them to fail or lose efficiency.
  5. How can I prevent LED grow lights from burning out or shortening?
    To prevent burnout or shortening, use a proper power supply and a dimmer for your LED grow lights. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for setup and usage, and check the specifications of the lights before purchasing. Monitor the temperature and humidity of your grow room and use fans or ventilation to maintain optimal conditions.
  6. What should I do if my LED grow lights have already burned out or shortened?
    If your LED grow lights have already burned out or shortened, it is best to replace them with new ones as there is no easy way to repair them.
  7. Why do LED grow lights cause stretching or burning of plants?
    The distance between the plants and the light source is crucial for proper plant growth. If LED grow lights are hung too far away, plants may stretch in an effort to reach closer to the light, resulting in weak stems and low yields. Placing the lights too close can cause burning and bleaching of the foliage and buds, leading to stunted growth and poor quality.
  8. How can I solve the issue of stretching or burning caused by LED grow lights?
    To solve this problem, adjust your LED grow lights to the proper distance from your plants. Consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for hanging the lights based on the wattage, spectrum, coverage area, and intensity. Use a light meter or lux meter to measure the actual light intensity and adjust accordingly. Generally, keep the lights at least 12 inches away during vegging and at least 6 inches away during flowering.
  9. Why do LED grow lights produce insufficient or inappropriate light?
    Not all LED grow lights are created equal, and some may produce insufficient or inappropriate light for your plants. This can result in poor growth, development, or quality. Factors like lacking essential wavelengths, imbalanced blue and red light, or low PAR and PPFD values can contribute to this issue.
  10. How can I prevent LED grow lights from producing insufficient or inappropriate light?
    To prevent this problem, choose high-quality LED grow lights with a full spectrum, high PAR value, and high PPFD value. Consider the specific needs of your plants and select lights with the appropriate spectrum, intensity, and duration for each stage of growth.







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